Sunday, October 25, 2015

Webquest: typical English and American food

Hiya !
Today to make the class more 'delicious' I propose a webquest of food which will let you know the  typical English and American food. Here you have eleven images of typical English and American foods. In pairs, you have to choose one, click on it, and gather the following information:
1. Name of the food
2. The country where people eat this food
3. What type of food it is: a starter, a main course, a side dish, a dessert, a drink...
4. When do people eat this food: in the morning, in the afternoon, at Christmas, at what time... ?
5. Ingredients of this food and how it is made. Which other food accompanies it ?
6. Your opinion about this food. Do you think it's tasty or disgusting ? Why ? 
7. Other curiosities about the food. Origins...
You can also use this webpage




Are you hungry now ? Hehe. I hope that, at least, you will have learnt something about typical English and American foods. 

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